JCRHS hosts the largest railroadiana & model train show in New Jersey featuring some of the best know dealers of railroad items in the Northeast. Our vendors offer a wide range of railroad related products such as videos and slides, models of all gauges, timetables, books, china, clothing, paintings and prints.
The show also features operating train layouts including one that the kids can actually run! There are also railroad movies and a collection of model circus train equipment. Door prizes every hour with the Grand Prize a HO scale model train set!
This year's show will be held Sunday, March 2, 2025 from 9 AM until 3:30 PM at Mother Seton High School in Clark NJ. Mother Seton is located on Valley Road at the Clark traffic circle, Exit 135 on the Garden State Parkway. Directions
Admission is only $7.00 for adults - kids under 12 FREE, family maximum $14.00. Parking is FREE!
Come join us for a day of family railroad fun. Breakfast & lunch are available. For additional information or table availability, please contact Mitchell Dakelman at dakelmanm@aol.com
Other train show listings http://www.railserve.com/events/train_shows.html
This page last updated January 11, 2025.
All content copyright © 2000-2025 JCRHS chapter of the NRHS.